Data & Research
Demographics and Market Data
Interested in learning more about Downtown? Explore Atlanta Downtown's latest data sources to help tell the story and make data-driven decisions.
- State of Downtown Report (2023 Edition)
- Downtown ATL Market Data - Q3 - 2024
- Downtown Atlanta Multi-Family Housing Overview
- The Value of U.S. Downtowns and Center Cities - Downtown Atlanta Profile (IDA)
Research Studies
Find past research studies commissioned by Atlanta Downtown below:
Real Estate Development
In the past 5 years, Downtown has experienced $3.8 billion in investment across a variety of uses– residential, hospitality, retail, and office. Another $4.3 billion worth of projects are either under construction or in the pipeline, totaling approximately 6,400 housing units, 830 student housing beds, 1,700 hotel rooms, and 1.7 million square feet of commercial space. Explore Downtown Atlanta’s latest wave of investment here: