Five Points Farm
In August 2024, the Five Points Farm moved down the street to 203 Forsyth St SW, Atlanta, GA 30303 to have more space to grow! Stay updated on what they're up to and see how you can get involved.
A MARTA Makeover Community Garden
The Community Farm at Five Points MARTA station, aka the Five Points Farm, was established in 2016 thanks to a partnership between Central Atlanta Progress and the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District (CAP/ADID) and MARTA. In spring 2018, we’ve partnered with the City of Atlanta’s Office of Resilience and many others to expand the farm and make it an even better amenity for the Downtown community.
A facet of the Five Points MARTA Makeover Project, the Farm is one of many tactics that aims to enhance the station with regular community programming and a positive experience for MARTA patrons.
Get to Know the Farm
Five Points Farm appeared in Hometown News Atlanta - Ponce & Peachtree
And, hear about the farm from one of our garden managers, Jess Doward!
Frequently Asked Questions
Where exactly is Five Points Farm located?
The farm is located on the upper plaza level of the station, across from the Station Soccer pitch.
How can I get involved at Five Points Farm?
Garden membership is open in the Spring, but you are welcome to volunteer throughout the year by signing up through Hands on Atlanta. Search for us as "Five Points Farm". We hold one to two volunteer events on Sunday mornings each month. Farm plots are open to all interested parties. Participants must review then apply using the 2021-2022 Five Points Farm Participant Agreement, and maintain current membership dues or volunteer hours. Dues for the garden vary based on plot size and plots are limited and first-come, first serve.
To sign up for your garden plot: download the participant agreement and send your completed form to Once your application is approved, you’ll receive a paypal link to complete your membership.
How do I pay my membership dues?
Membership dues will be collected once a year from each active participant. Inactive plots will be reassigned at the discretion of the garden leadership team.
How big is a farm plot?
There are 3 farm plot sizes which vary from large (8 ft. L x 3 ft. W x 2 ft. H) to small (4 ft. L x 2 ft. W x 1 ft. H)
How are plots assigned?
Plots are assigned first come-first served on an annual basis each March with renewals available each year.
What can I plant in my plot?
The plant list for the garden is seasonal and subject to the natural growing conditions. Most legal and non-invasive plants are permitted.
When can I access the farm?
The Farm hours are 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Do I have to live Downtown to participate?
Being a Downtown resident is not a requirement. Whether you live here, work here, go to school here, ride MARTA, or are just interested in the project, we welcome your involvement.
How do I get to know my fellow farmers?
Once you are approved for a plot, we will invite you to our Facebook group, where you can connect with your fellow Five Points Farmers.
Thank you to our Five Points Farm community partners: MARTA, Aglanta, ADNA, City of Atlanta Office of Resilience, Food Well Alliance, Georgia Municipal Association, Greening Youth Foundation, and Urban Sprout Farms, and CAP/ADID.