#04 Traffic Island at Peachtree Center Ave and Portman Blvd
Description | Make traffic island at Peachtree Center Avenue and John Portman Boulevard more visible. Result: The intersection of Peachtree Center Ave and John Portman Blvd is the confluence of (2) two-way bike lanes one-way streets along each respective street. The concrete traffic island in the center of the bike lane confluence was engineered to safely reduce speeds for cyclists and motorists traveling through the multidirectional intersection. Cyclists and motorist alike reported challenge seeing the traffic island and thus the project aims to make the island more visible. |
Location | Peachtree Center Ave Atlanta, GA |
Status | Complete |
ETA | Q1 2021 |

Fresh yellow paint

Painting in progress

Traffic island - Peachtree Center Ave at Portman Blvd before fresh paint