South Downtown Streetscape Public Information Open House
Date and Time for this Past Event
- Monday, Sep 23, 2019 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Atlanta City Studio
235 Mitchell St SW
The City of Atlanta and their partners, Newport USRE and the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District, seek public input on proposed streetscape plans for Peachtree Street SW, in South Downtown Atlanta. The proposed enhancement of Peachtree Street SW, between Alabama Street and Trinity Avenue, is the first of four proposed streetscape enhancement projects for South Downtown. Future streets slated for enhancement include: Broad Street SW, Martin Luther King Jr. Dr, and Mitchell Street.
In October 2017, Atlanta City Council adopted the South Downtown Street Plan, which established a comprehensive vision for street enhancements. As envisioned, the Street Plan for South Downtown is consistent with the recommendations of the City of Atlanta’s Transportation Plan, the Downtown Transportation Plan, as well as other City of Atlanta projects previously identified for the streets of South Downtown.
Public investment in the right-of-way enhancements will be delivered with, and leveraged by, several private real estate investments in South Downtown. As such, the City of Atlanta’s Office of Planning, Department of Public Works, Newport USRE, and the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District are advancing the streetscape design as a critical step towards construction implementation.
You are invited to attend the Public Information Open House Public to learn more about the project and share your comments. During the informal, drop-by session the project team will share conceptual designs and receive your feedback regarding the planned enhancements.
Monday, September 23rd
4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Atlanta City Design Studio
99 Broad Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30303
If you have questions or comments about the project, or will be unable to attend, please contact: Wesley Brown at