Kori Bustard Day
Date and Time for this Past Event
- Saturday, Mar 23, 2019 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Zoo Atlanta
800 Cherokee Ave
Join us for an activity-packed day devoted to some of the Zoo’s coolest birds: kori bustards!
- Meet Tuza the kori bustard, and a member of her care team for special Kori Bustard Keeper Talks at 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
- Take part in games and activities showcasing Earth’s heaviest flighted birds; and
- Purchase an exclusive kori bustard button, with 100 percent of proceeds directly benefiting the Kori Bustard Species Survival Plan®(SSP).
Activities are free for Zoo Atlanta Members and children under 3; free with general admission.
Why should you care about koris?
It is believed that kori bustard populations have declined by around 25 percent over the past 47 years, but there is not a current total population estimate. Kori bustards are still common in areas where they can live undisturbed by humans, but those areas are becoming fewer and further between over time.
A main threat is that kori bustards in Africa suffer from many collisions with power lines each year. Similarly, here in the United States, many of our native birds suffer from collisions with windows. Man-made structures are a necessity for our lives, but changes can be made to help our feathered friends, here and abroad. For example, Zoo Atlanta uses bird tape on our windows to help prevent collisions. You can help kori bustards by supporting organizations that participate in kori bustard conservation, research, public education, and awareness.
Want to learn more about the kori bustard?
Download the coloring book here.