The Future of Atlanta Is Downtown
February 28, 2023

“The way we’re using our city center is changing,” states Central Atlanta Progress in their recently released annual report. “The future of Atlanta is Downtown.”
With the title, “Leading Downtown’s Rediscovery," the interactive, digital report highlights the 2022 work of Central Atlanta Progress and the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District and includes exclusive data about economic development and street-level operations across the community. Among the detailed statistics given, Atlanta Downtown says that over the next five years, there will be numerous projects completed within the urban core of the city, including:
- 1,721 hotel rooms
- 6,827 Housing Units
- 1.1 million square feet of institutional space
- 1.8 million square feet of office and retail
Numbers like this form solid evidence against the “death of downtowns” claims that have been widely publicized since the advent of COVID-19. Instead, they show that the future of Downtown Atlanta is bright. From mixed-used developments like Centennial Yards and South Downtown to the arrival of the 2026 World Cup, there’s no shortage of things to look forward to.

In addition to data on real estate developments and economic investment, the info-packed sections cover several key areas of Atlanta Downtown’s work:
- An overview of progress made on The Stitch, the transformative highway cap project that aims to advance the equitable revitalization of north Downtown through enhanced access to affordable housing, low-cost transportation, jobs, and community resources.
- Updates on efforts surrounding The Downtown Master Plan, which guides the work of CAP and ADID.
- Arts & Entertainment Atlanta, the neighborhood activation and economic development initiative that showcases local creatives.

The authentic tone of the report was reflected in President A.J. Robinson’s speech at Atlanta Downtown’s Annual Meeting, held earlier this month at the Georgia Aquarium.
“As we look ahead to the future, keep your eyes, ears, and hearts open,” Robinson told the 700 attendees from the public and private sectors. “Stay engaged. Don’t be discouraged by negative headlines, a number of nay-sayers, or even broken windows. Together we can move towards a bright and impactful future.”
“No one else will lead this rediscovery,” Robinson added. “It’s up to all of us.”
Atlanta Downtown’s 2022 Annual Report is now available, including a dedicated Arts & Entertainment Atlanta section.