Update: Marietta Street - Centennial Olympic Park Drive Streetscape Construction
October 19,2010
Infrasource (the Marietta Street streetscape contractor) will begin sidewalk and lane closures beginning October 20, 2010. The team has been working to secure a worksite yard along the corridor, preparing material submittals and mobilizing work crews to hit the ground running. Despite the delay since the originally announced start date, Infrasource expects to “catch up” to their original schedule by the end of 2010 by committing additional crews to the project over the next two months.
Following are the key work activities that are occurring:
- Asphalt saw cutting along the entire Marietta Street corridor.
- Existing street and median trees to be removed are being tagged and posted. Following a 15-day notification period, impacted trees within the entire corridor will be removed.
- Concrete sidewalk work will still begin at the northwest end of the project at Park Avenue West.
- Georgia Power crews continue to perform manhole repairs throughout the corridor.
Please be reminded that construction progress updates are being posted online. The site is updated every two weeks with announcements about upcoming work and completed milestones.
Check the website for updates and please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience and support during construction.