Streetcar route Pop Up Shops debut June 7
June 3,2014
via Atlanta INtown
Fourteen local retailers will officially open Downtown Pop Up Shops along the Atlanta Streetcar route in Downtown on Saturday, June 7. A launch part is set from 4 – 9 p.m. Central Atlanta Progress will host a pop up shop crawl featuring in-store giveaways, music, food, drinks and much more. The shops will be open to the public through August 2014.
Here’s the list of retailers and their addresses:
Arbitrary Living, 171 Auburn Ave NE
Bliss In Me, Woodruff Park on Peachtree St.
Brixtix Dog Bakery, 209 Edgewood Ave
The Byrd’s Box, 171 Auburn Ave NE
Civil Bikes, 344 Auburn Ave NE
Connections Digital, 230 Auburn Ave NE
Criminal Records, 345 Edgewood Ave
Fallen Arrows, 482 Edgewood Ave SE
Fresh.i.Am, 346 Auburn Ave NE
Indie Craft Experience, 209 Edgewood Ave SE
Just Add Honey, 171 Auburn Ave NE
ModernTribe, 171 Auburn Ave NE
Rob Simmons Gallery, 443 Edgewood Ave SE
Sock Fancy, 171 Auburn Ave NE