RFP for Renovation of the Sweet Auburn Curb Market
March 10,2011
Your firm is hereby invited to submit to the Sweet Auburn Curb Market d. b. a. Municipal Market Company (Market), an invitation to bid for Renovation of the Market. The Market is seeking bids from qualified general contractors to perform the renovation of the 50,000 square feet structure. The 85-year-old Municipal Market Company needs critical capital improvements in order to increase the energy efficiency of the building, as well as cosmetic upgrades to the building in order to allow existing and new vendors to attract new customers.
The proposed renovation includes, but is not limited to: architect for design, renovation of public restrooms, repair/replace doors and gates, electrical and mechanical upgrades, lighting retrofit, elevator upgrades, addition of HVAC units, signage (both internal and external), painting and repairs of interior and exterior, plumbing upgrades, fencing, redesign interior seating areas, replace damaged glass in windows, exterior lighting, and other necessary improvements to the building.
A Pre-bid Conference will be held Monday, March 21, 2011, at 11:00 am, at the Board Room of Central Atlanta Progress, located at 50 Hurt Plaza SE, Suite 110, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. The purpose of the Pre-bid Conference is to provide detailed information regarding the project and to address questions and concerns. There will be representatives from the Market and its Board of Directors, as well as the City of Atlanta available at the conference to discuss this project and to answer any questions. Bidders are urged to attend the Pre-bid Conference. An optional site visit will be held immediately following the Pre-bid conference.
Your response to this RFP will be received by the Market Manager of the Municipal Market Company at 209 Edgewood Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, no later than 2:00 p.m., Monday, March 28, 2011.
Bidders are advised that the goods/services on which they are bidding/ proposing will be purchased with funds issued to the City from the federal government pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (“ARRA”) of 2009. As such, the successful bidder will be obligated to comply with various federal requirements which are known and those which may be imposed after execution of the contract, including, but not limited to, preparation and submission of employment reports and project accounting audits. It is the duty of any bidder submitting a bid/proposal to the Market to make itself aware of all such requirements imposed or to be imposed upon it under the ARRA. Compliance with the federal requirements will be strictly enforced and will not be subject to additional cost to the Market or the City of Atlanta.
Please be advised that the General Contractor selected in this bid process will be responsible for all project management and reports required per Stimulus and HUD guidelines.
Once a general contractor is selected this will be a fixed price contract.
The Market reserves the right to cancel any and all solicitations and to accept or reject, in whole or in part, any and all statements when it is for good cause and in its best interest.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE SEND EMAIL TO pjoiner@sweetauburncurbmarket.com or VISIT www.sweetauburncurbmarket.com.