Public Downtown Transportation Forum to be held November 10
November 3,2016
The Downtown Atlanta Master Plan (DAMP) has kicked off its work, and its first steps appropriately focus on transportation. How can we maximize Downtown’s multimodal attributes and support new development advancing in the pipeline? We welcome Downtown stakeholders and interested citizens to participate in a community-focused conversation.
We hope you can join us on Thursday, November 10th for a Downtown Transportation Forum.
Similar stakeholder forums were created when Downtown last analyzed its transportation network through the 1999 Central Atlanta Transportation Study. That forum, commonly known to its participants as ‘the CATS meeting,’ continued well beyond the formal study process.
As a key component of the 2016-17 Downtown Atlanta Master Plan (DAMP) process, CAP/ADID is re-introducing these forums for interested Downtown stakeholders and Atlanta citizens. The purpose of the quarterly forums is to share information on a variety of transportation projects planned or in process within Downtown. Initially, this will include updates on the Downtown Atlanta Master Plan and its core transportation planning component, as well as updates from the individuals who attend.
The forum is open to any interested individual. Please provide your RSVP here.