Peachtree Center Avenue Cycletrack Project Public Information Open House
July 23,2013
The Atlanta Downtown Improvement District and the City of Atlanta are building a cycletrack along Peachtree Center Avenue between Peachtree Street and Edgewood Avenue to provide a safe and convenient north-south cycling route through the heart of Downtown.
A cycletrack is a separated bicycle facility that runs alongside a roadway. The proposed cycletrack will convert the westernmost northbound lane on Peachtree Center Avenue to a two-way, 8-foot-wide cycle track with 2-foot minimum buffer delineated by thermoplastic striping, flexible plastic bollards, and durable green pavement markings in conflict zones. On-street parking and/or formal loading zones will be provided along the east side of Peachtree Center Avenue.
The planned bike facility is funded by the City of Atlanta to help achieve Mayor Reed's goal to make Atlanta a Top Ten U.S. Cycling city. This cycletrack will connect to other facilities planned in Downtown on Peachtree Street, John Portman Boulevard, Edgewood Avenue and Auburn Avenue, as well as a citywide network proposed by the CycleAtlanta plan.
The public is invited to attend an Open House Public Meeting to learn more about the project and share comments. During the informal, drop-by session the project planners and the consultant design team will share conceptual designs and receive your feedback regarding the planned improvements.
Wednesday, July 31st
4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Peachtree Center Mall
near the Guest Services Kiosk in the center of the mall
225 Peachtree Street NE, Lower Level, Atlanta, Georgia 30303
ADID looks forward to the public's input and is happy to answer any questions about this project. In the meantime, questions or comments about the project or should be directed to Wesley Brown.
Thank you to Peachtree Center for hosting this meeting.