More Streetcar Testing Scheduled October 6th and 9th
October 5,2014
Two tests next week will have streetcars traveling at up to 25 m.p.h.
On Monday, October 6 and Thursday, October 9, 2014, the Atlanta Streetcars will undergo two more key tests to get ready for passenger service.
The test on Monday, October 6, will be an incremental speed test where one streetcar will operate along the right-of-way at speeds of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 miles per hour. This test is to verify that the overhead power system is supplying adequate power to maintain vehicle performance. The streetcar will complete five circuits of the entire 2.7-mile route, starting on Auburn Avenue at Fort Street.
The test will begin at 11 p.m. and go until the early morning hours of Tuesday, October 7. The Atlanta Police Department will be escorting the streetcar and rolling closures will take place along the route. Motorists are advised that traffic may be delayed, and they may need to use alternate routes while the testing is taking place.
Drivers are also reminded that vehicles along the streetcar route need to be parked fully within the white lines of the parking spaces, and that double-parking is not allowed. Illegally parked vehicles along the route will be ticketed and/or towed.
The second test, which will be on Thursday, October 9, will test the system’s electric power system. For this test three Atlanta Streetcars will be loaded with 28,000 pounds of sandbags or water – to simulate a full load of passengers – and brought up to full speed (25 M.P.H.) simultaneously. Once at 25 M.P.H., the streetcars will brake to a full stop. This test will take place along Auburn Avenue, between Jackson Street and Courtland Street.
The test will begin at 11 p.m. and go until the early morning hours of Friday, October 10.
For the safety of residents and the traveling public, the following restrictions will be in place during the testing process on Thursday, October 9:
• Auburn Avenue, between Jackson Street to Courtland Street, will be closed from 11 p.m. to 5.a.m.
• Parking will not be permitted along Auburn Avenue, between Jackson Street to Courtland Street. Motorists are encouraged to move their vehicles as early as possible on Thursday evening, October 9.
• Side streets and alleys intersecting Auburn Avenue, between Jackson Street to Courtland Street, will be closed from 11 p.m. to 5.a.m.
• Intermittent vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle access across Auburn Avenue will be provided.
• Emergency vehicles will be allowed access throughout the test period.
• Atlanta Police officers will help direct traffic and pedestrians during this test.
The Atlanta Streetcar is a collaborative effort among Atlanta’s political, business and transit communities to bring to fruition critical infrastructure that will connect the metro area and the greater region. Partnership and innovation, key qualifiers for the federal government’s TIGER II Discretionary Grant program, are exhibited by this joint effort involving the City of Atlanta, the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District, and MARTA.