In Progress: Downtown Atlanta Master Plan
June 14,2017
Source: Atlanta Daily World staff
ADW Staff
The Central Atlanta Progress/Atlanta Downtown Improvement District’s efforts to create the Downtown Atlanta Master Plan are in full swing and its second Open House is set for June 14 at the Rialto Center from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The Downtown Atlanta Master Plan is the primary vision-setting and policy-directing strategy to lead the ongoing evolution of downtown Atlanta for the next 15 years. In addition to establishing priorities for the center city’s future land use, transportation network, park and open spaces and major development projects, the Plan is expected to guide real estate and infrastructure investments and planning and economic development activities.
Building upon the input received at the first Open House in March, the upcoming drop-in event will feature interactive stations where attendees can explore and provide input on proposed draft strategies for the future of downtown. As well, participants will be able to see how community input gathered via prior events, an online survey, and other outreach efforts have translated into policy strategies and design concepts that have the potential to become components of the finalized Master Plan.
The Plan replaces the Imagine Downtown 2.0 initiative and will become the new Livable Centers Initiative, or LCI, community plan, recognized by the Atlanta Regional Commission. It is being executed by a team of planners, engineers and designers in three components that will result in one comprehensive and overarching vision document to be adopted by the City of Atlanta later this year.
Topics to be covered during the Open House include:
- A Vision for Downtown – Review the first draft of our vision statement. Did we get it right? Is this a vision that you want to see become reality?
- Streets – Each street is different and serves different needs. How should specific Downtown streets be designed?
- Development – Downtown needs more people to support more retail and services. How should Downtown evolve as a collection of neighborhoods? How should residential development take form in Downtown?
- Open Space – Downtown has unique environmental needs. How can we best bring the forest back into the City? Help us prioritize locations and envision public open spaces.
- Art / Culture / Preservation / Activation – Downtown is Atlanta’s most historic area, rich with arts and culture. How can we tell the stories of Downtown’s past and evolving present within the public realm?
- Key Sites – Downtown has some very important sites. You get to be the planner – what should happen at places like Five Points? The Civic Center? Or just a small vacant lot?
Central Atlanta Progress, Inc., is a Downtown business association with approximately 240 members. Its mission is to champion a vibrant community with strong leadership and sustainable infrastructure that is safe, livable, diverse, economically viable, accessible, clean, hospitable and entertaining. The Atlanta Downtown Improvement District is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable corporation created by CAP to make Downtown safer, cleaner and more hospitable.