How Atlanta Conquered Its Better Buildings Challenge Goals Two Years Early
March 28,2020
Capping a years-long effort, Atlanta reached its Better Buildings Challenge goal at the end of October 2019, nearly two years early, reducing the energy use of participating buildings by more than 20% ahead of the 10-year deadline.
The effort kicked off in 2011, the year the Better Buildings Challenge initiative launched, with a modest goal of enrolling 1-2 million square feet in the program. By the time Atlanta met its goals, more than 100 million square feet were participating.
“We were halfway out of the recession and people were thinking about how to do things differently,” AJ Robinson, president of Central Atlanta Progress, remembers of the circumstances behind Atlanta’s impressive achievement
Central Atlanta Progress was one of the key partners driving participation in the initiative. “It was just a perfect storm. Here was a competition we could rally around and do something good for our community, good for our buildings, save money and do something that was environmentally sound as well.”
Robinson shares four takeaways from the city’s inspiring effort.
Read the complete article at the link above.