Good Urbanism 101 - Lessons for Designing Cities
September 29,2010
Good Urbanism 101 is a six-class course focusing on the history, principles, and current practices of urban design, including an emphasis on walkability, integration of alternative transportation options, sustainability, and the relationship between urban infrastructure and the urban experience. Join the Georgia Conservancy’s Growth Management Program and Georgia Tech professors David Green, Richard Dagenhart, and Doug Allen to learn about urban design and how different professions can collaborate to improve the city of Atlanta and its region. Please visit the website for more information or email Katherine Moore at or Deanna Murphy at
For the general public, $200 for the six sessions (a few scholarships are available).Continuing education credits are available for some professions with an extra $100 charge. Twelve (12) AIA Health, Safety, and Welfare and Sustainable Design CECs and twelve (12) AICP CMCs are being pursued. For Professional Engineers self reporting, the Georgia Conservancy will provide assistance.
ALL PROCEEDS from Good Urbanism 101 support urban design education at Georgia Tech by supporting graduate students with scholarships or research assistantships.