Edgewood Avenue Bridge to Close for Construction on March 18, 2013
February 28,2013
Demolition and Reconstruction Will Be Complete by April 2014
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (ABI), in partnership with the City of Atlanta Department of Public Works, will close Edgewood Avenue between Randolph St. and Krog St. on Monday, March 18. Demolition and reconstruction of this span will continue through April, 2014. This is the section of Edgewood Avenue that crosses over the Atlanta BeltLine corridor. The detour routes will use Irwin St. and DeKalb Avenue for east-west traffic. All nearby businesses will be open and accessible during construction.
The Edgewood Avenue Bridge is currently the lowest structurally-rated bridge in use in the City of Atlanta and is in need of replacement. The design of the replacement bridge better integrates it with the Atlanta BeltLine with new pedestrian connections and an option to connect transit service via the extension of the Atlanta Streetcar network onto the Atlanta BeltLine corridor.
The detour routes were devised in consultation with the community through a series of meetings with neighborhood residents and local businesses.
URS is the designer and CW Mathews is the prime contractor for this project. Regular updates will be available at http://construction.beltline.org. This project is funded by Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds, with a total project cost of $4.5 million.