Duncan Solutions Leads Atlanta Giving Meter Redeployment
September 24,2012
In partnership with the City of Atlanta and Central Atlanta Progress (CAP), Duncan Solutions, operating locally as PARKAtlanta, has generously provided upgrades to more than a dozen giving meters located throughout Downtown Atlanta.
The “Give Change That Makes Sense” giving meter program was launched in September 2008 and is modeled after similar initiatives in cities like Denver, Chattanooga and Athens, Ga. Duncan Solutions’ resources allowed for 15 meters to get new casings, housings, poles, and paint that will differentiate them from parking meters.
“We thank Duncan Solutions for its generosity,” said A.J. Robinson, president of CAP. “With an updated design, these are meters that we hope the public won’t mind paying.”
The giving meters are intended to charitably address aggressive panhandling, and benefit local organizations including the United Way’s Regional Commission on Homelessness and the Gateway 24/7 Homeless Services Center. Rather than give money to aggressive panhandlers, residents and visitors are encouraged to donate to giving meters, where 100 percent of proceeds are disbursed to groups that help the homeless transition into housing.
The upgraded meters feature red and black paint and “Give Change That Makes Sense” messaging. They are located in some of Downtown’s most trafficked areas, including the Georgia World Congress Center, AmericasMart and Downtown’s Hotel District.
“Duncan Solutions is proud to partner with the City of Atlanta and CAP on this community improvement initiative that helps keep Downtown safe and hospitable,” said Anderson Moore, Vice President of Operations at Duncan Solutions.
For meter locations and details on “Give Change That Makes Sense,” please visit: www.atlantadowntown.com/initiatives/stop-panhandling/redirect-giving.