Community invited to Atlanta downtown master plan event
March 10,2017
Source: Shelagh MaRee Hardrich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Central Atlanta Progress and the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District are hosting an open to unveil the Downtown Atlanta Master Plan. The all-day drop-in event 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 3 to 8 p.m. March 21 at the Rialto Center for the Arts, 80 Forsyth St. NW, will consist of a series of interactive stations where attendees can learn about the master plan and provide input about downtown’s strengths and opportunities for growth.
In addition to increasing awareness of the Downtown Atlanta Master Plan effort, the purpose of this event is to meaningfully engage attendees and emphasize how the public plays a crucial role in shaping the future of downtown Atlanta.
The plan is touted as the primary vision-setting and policy-directing strategy to lead the on-going evolution of downtown Atlanta for the next fifteen years. In addition to establishing priorities for the center city’s future land use, transportation network, park and open spaces and major development projects, the plan is expected to guide real estate and infrastructure investments and planning and economic development activities.