Centennial Place Elementary Hosts Opportunity Showcase
September 17,2012
On September 20, Centennial Place Elementary is opening its doors to businesses, corporations and higher education institutions in the Downtown/Midtown Corridor to showcase the school, its S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) based curriculum, accomplishments and to provide an opportunity to strengthen and forge new partnerships within our community.
CPE serves as a key component of the revitalization of the Atlanta Public Housing Authority’s mission to create a positive, sustainable mixed-income community that serves as a model of success for the nation in transformation of low-income and public housing areas.
A coalition of APS educators, university leaders and community business stakeholders conceived the idea of the Learning Village. This coalition was committed to creating a "break the mold" public school that could intervene in an urban community by resolving contradictions, shattering barriers and providing a world class education for urban youth. CPE is a prototype, state of the art elementary school at the center of the Learning Village.
The Learning Village concept is grounded in a commitment of inclusion and opportunity for an entire generation of children. Centennial Place envisions families, schools and the community unified into a learning village with a set of focused strategies to change underlying attitudes towards education and to redirect intellectual energy to responsible citizenship.
CPE serves as a key component of the revitalization of the Atlanta Public Housing Authority’s mission to create a positive sustainable mixed-income community that would serve as a model of success for the nation in transformation of low-income and public housing areas. CPE is committed to remaining connected with the community by establishing and maintaining active partnerships with businesses, corporations, higher education institutions and families in the Downtown/Midtown Corridor to continue to meet the academic needs of our students to fulfill its motto of “Preparing Children to Change the World”.
The opportunity showcase allows CPE's phenomenal partners active participation and to “see, feel and hear” the impact that their continued support of CPE has made in the lives of the CPE students within our Learning Village.
For more information or to RSVP, contact centennialplacepta@gmail.com or Debra Brown, Centennial Place Elementary PTA Chair of Community Outreach 404-314-1249 or Rewa Berry, PTA President 404-579-3845.