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Three CAP Members Make DiversityBusiness List

January 25,2013

Three Atlanta companies, all CAP Members, made the “Top 50 Organizations for Multicultural Business Opportunities.

They are:

No. 14 The Coca-Cola Co.

No. 21 United Parcel Service Inc.

No. 32 The Home Depot Inc.

The list shows which organizations “provide the best and the most business for diversity-owned companies,” the organization said.

“In a marketplace that is increasingly as sensitive to diversity as it is to revenues, awarding the top buyers of multicultural products and services is becoming a natural part of the new socioeconomic food chain,” said Kenton Clarke, CEO of, in a statement. “Organizations that consistently buy the most products and services from diversity businesses, and that sustain the most mutually beneficial business relationships with their multicultural suppliers, should be recognized not only by the business community but also by the general public.”

-Courtesy, Atlanta Business Chronicle