CAP Issues RFP for Auburn Avenue Historic and Cultural Underpass Enhancement
July 10,2013
Central Atlanta Progress and the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District (CAP/ADID) are seeking a designer or team of designers to produce a creative enhancement to the existing bridge underpass at Auburn Avenue and Interstate 75/85 in Downtown Atlanta.
The Auburn Avenue Historic and Cultural Information Project includes two major components. The first is the repair and update, as well as the installation of new, historical and cultural wayside signs along Auburn Avenue between Peachtree Street and Old Wheat Street. The second project element – which this Request for Proposals is related to – is the design, documentation and specification of proposed enhancements to the existing bridge underpass at Auburn Avenue and Interstate 75/85. The enhancement is intended to improve the aesthetic quality of the existing bridge infrastructure and improve the pedestrian experience while reflecting the history and culture of the surrounding community.
Project funding is being provided through a federal grant from the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Transportation Enhancement program. The Atlanta Downtown Improvement District (ADID) is providing the required local matching funds for the GDOT grant and is acting as the Project Implementation Manager – under contract to the City of Atlanta – to deliver the project improvements.
The construction budget for both components of the project is $400,000. It is expected that approximately half of the construction budget will be allocated to the Underpass Enhancement. The fee associated with the professional services agreement resulting from this Request for Proposals will not exceed $40,000.
To download the RFP, please click here.
Please click here to view the RFP Questions and Responses.