Auburn Avenue History & Culture Project
January 16,2014
Auburn Avenue History & Cultural Information Project:
Underpass Enhancement Concept Review
Your Participation Matters!
Central Atlanta Progress and the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District (CAP/ADID) are leading a project to enhance Auburn Avenue. The Auburn Avenue Historic and Cultural Information Project includes two major components. The first is the repair, update and installation of new, historical and cultural wayside signs along Auburn Avenue between Peachtree Street and Old Wheat Street. The second project element is an enhancement to the existing bridge underpass at Auburn Avenue and Interstate 75/85. The enhancement is intended to improve the aesthetic quality of the existing bridge infrastructure and improve the pedestrian experience, while reflecting the history and culture of the surrounding community. Design and engineering for the improvements is underway now. Installation is expected to begin in late 2014.
Project designers, for the Underpass Enhancement, are now interested in enlisting the community to assist in developing a single concept for the improvement. The three (3) initial concepts can be reviewed below. What you like about the designs? What don't you like? What would you like to see? Please let us know.
Comments should be sent to
and will be collected until January 31, 2014.
Auburn Avenue History and Culture Project |
Click here for more information about the project or contact Wesley Brown at or (404) 658-5983.