Atlanta Business Chronicle Downtown Market Report 2017
March 10,2017
Downtown Atlanta planning for the future, setting the stage for the next 15 years. An update to downtown Atlanta’s master plan is well underway, with professional planners and others seeking input from a variety of groups throughout the downtown community in order to formulate a vision of growth for the future. Being developed by Central Atlanta Progress Inc., Atlanta Downtown Improvement District and the city of Atlanta, the 2017 Downtown Atlanta Master Plan will serve as a primary vision-setting and policy-directing document, setting out strategies for revitalization and evolution of the city’s core during the next 15 years. The plan will provide a road map for development, transportation, urban design and other key elements of downtown, and serve as a guide for real estate and infrastructure investment, as well as for planning and economic development activities.
Read the articles in the Downtown Market Report on the Business Chronicle's website:
Soccer, trucks, garden spring up at Five Points Station
Young honored with Dan Sweat Award
Downtown wants to create arts and entertainment district
Turner honored with Turner Community Leadership Award
GSU impact on downtown all-encompassing
Independently researched effects of gaming should guide future legislation
An investment in downtown Atlanta's past is also an investment in its future