AmericasMart January Market Opens on Schedule
January 12,2011
Home & Gift Off and Running Today ... Area Rug Opens on Schedule Thursday
WHAT: The Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market opened today, on time and on schedule for its full-week run, with showrooms ready for business and retailers registering across all four AmericasMart buildings. Today’s Market Opening Day kicks off AmericasMart’s 50th-anniversary year.
AmericasMart is welcoming retail buyers and wholesale sellers from across the U.S. and around the world today through January 19 in the nation’s longest-running Market—giving customers maximum travel and attendance flexibility.
WHO: All four AmericasMart buildings—with more than seven million sq. ft. of product—are open for the entire eight-day Market run, which started today. The Market Temporaries will open on Friday, January 14 per the Market schedule. Buyers arrived this morning and continue to arrive as the first day of Market continues. Thousands more are expected over the course of Market.
WHEN: January 12-19, 2011 (Market Temporaries: January 14-18, 2011). AmericasMart and its exhibitors are also offering extended shopping hours for buyers until 8 p.m., Thursday, January 13-Sunday, January 16.
For more information contact Tara King 404.220.2384