Downtown Daffodil Project

Central Atlanta Progress, in conjunction with Am Yisrael Chai!, produces the annual Downtown Daffodil Project in support of the worldwide Daffodil Project. The Daffodil Project aims to build a Living Holocaust Memorial by planting 1.5 million daffodils around the world to remember and represent the one and a half million children who died in Nazi-occupied Europe and bring awareness to those currently suffering human rights crises throughout the world.
The Downtown Daffodil Project contributes to the worldwide effort by creating a “ribbon of consciousness” between the Center for Civil and Human Rights and the King Center.
CAP/ADID and our community partners have thoughtfully grown the Downtown Daffodil Project since its 2014 inception. Each planting season, team members and volunteers work together to add to the total number of daffodils in Downtown Atlanta. Downtown Atlanta is the largest site for The Daffodil Project and in 2025, we are honored to celebrate the planting of the 1 millionth Daffodil bulb in Downtown Atlanta.
Daffodil Project Partners
Central Atlanta Progress, the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District, Am Yisrael Chai, Gibbs Landscape Co.