Downtown Ambassador Force

Contact Information
For information about Ambassador Force services or becoming an Ambassador, call (404) 215-9600 or email We also invite you to contact us at this phone number and email address to tell us how we’re doing.
Atlanta Downtown Improvement District
34 Peachtree Street
Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 215-9600
Now you can text the Ambassador Force to report a problem or request assistance. Text the request to 404-732-4200. This number is monitored seven days a week from 7:00 a.m. to midnight by Ambassador Communications.
About the Ambassador Force
Need a helping hand to figure out where to go and what to do in Downtown Atlanta? Or maybe you're looking for a business or service? Or you're a Downtown student or employee who would like an escort to your parking garage or any other location Downtown? Or you need assistance locating your vehicle after attending your event? Ask an Ambassador.
You won't have to look hard to find one of the members of our friendly and helpful Ambassador Force. They're the ones in the red and blue uniforms riding Segway human transporters or All-Terrain Public Safety Bikes.
Ambassadors enhance the public safety environment Downtown by adding additional patrols on the streets and in common areas all over the Downtown Improvement District’s 220 blocks. Besides the Ambassadors you see on the streets, there are Ambassadors monitoring the Downtown surveillance cameras, in addition to the police department’s monitoring station. Off-duty Atlanta Police are hired to assist the Ambassadors with their duties and provide additional selective enforcement on a 24-hour basis. The Ambassador Force also provides a cleaning component to the program, keeping the sidewalks and trash containers clean and free of trash and debris.

If you don’t spot us patrolling the streets of Downtown, you can find one of us at the Ambassador Information Booth at the intersection of Andrew Young International Boulevard and Peachtree Street, or you can visit our office located in 34 Peachtree, Suite 200. You can also call us at 404-215-9600 or text at 404-732-4200.
The Ambassador Force frequently receives compliments on its service. Here a few examples of thank you notes we receive:
Our Services
- Help finding your destination: We know every inch of Downtown and can tell you the best route (by foot, car or MARTA) to any location.
- Activity Suggestions: Whether you have an hour, an afternoon or an entire weekend to enjoy the sights and sounds of Downtown, we can recommend the perfect attraction to entertain you.
- Medical Assistance: We are trained to assist in medical emergencies and have direct radio contact with emergency responders. Ambassadors can also guide you to the nearest 24-hour pharmacy or healthcare provider.
- Maps: We can offer you one of the most useful tools in any city: a detailed map, marked with major attractions, hotels, restaurants and roadways.
- Accompanying: We’re proud to say that Downtown Atlanta is extremely safe. However, should you ever feel uncomfortable, please approach your nearest Ambassador, who will be happy to escort you to your vehicle, hotel or other Downtown destination. Don’t hesitate to ask.

Patrol Hours
7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Monday - Sunday
Hours are sometimes adjusted to support large special events happening in Downtown.
Safety Tips
- Stay alert of your surroundings
- Project a confident image; walk with a purpose.
- Stick to well-lit, busy areas.
- Don’t leave valuables, especially cell phones & lap-tops, unattended and in open view on your desk or in your car.
- Remove convention badges outside the meeting site.
- Do not give money to panhandlers.
- Report suspicious behavior to the police or a Downtown Ambassador.
- Use the wayfinding signs and maps throughout Downtown.