Peachtree Accessibility Project
About the Project
The Woodruff Park Strategic Plan (2020) developed by CAP/ADID, the City of Atlanta and park stakeholders emphasized the community’s interest in capital improvements and culture offerings.
Woodruff Park was awarded a Park Pride Legacy Grant for $66,000 in 2021 that supported the design of priority improvements aimed at enhancing access to and through Woodruff Park, as well as facilitating the Park’s ability to host events. The Atlanta Downtown Improvement District (ADID) matched the grant funding and retained Pond & Co. to design and engineer the planned improvements.
Scope of Improvements
The scope was developed with the goal of improving Woodruff Park as a public space that is equal parts flexible event space and neighborhood park.
The project:
• Removed the stone retaining wall along Peachtree Street
• Added an ADA accessible diagonal/direct path through the park (NW to SE)
• Created a designated stage pad performance area
• Established the means for vehicles to enter and exit the park in support of special events

For additional information about this project, contact Jennifer Ball at