About Central Atlanta Progress
CAP works to build a 21st century Downtown as the heart of the Atlanta region, a vibrant community with strong leadership and sustainable infrastructure that is safe, livable, diverse, economically viable, accessible, clean, hospitable, and entertaining. Our membership includes corporations, small local businesses, civic organizations, regional leaders, and property owners whose support allows progress to continue.
CAP is a private, not-for-profit corporation created in 1941 under section 501(c)4 of the Internal Revenue Code. A 100-member board of directors of Downtown’s most engaged and influential business leaders govern the organization. CAP has a long and distinguished history of civic planning and development activities, characterized by public-private partnerships tackling difficult problems over the long term, with a very high rate of success. View our geographic area of focus.
CAP brings influencers together to explore issues, confront challenges, identify common agendas, and pursue mutual goals.
CAP is a Partner and Incubator
CAP participates in strategic alliances among economic sectors and the community’s most well-known assets.
CAP is a Steward and a Custodian
CAP provides long-term persistence and continuity in taking on the community’s challenges and opportunities.
CAP is a Champion of Downtown Atlanta
CAP provides vision and leadership, using its influence to catalyze collective action toward a vital, sustainable Atlanta.